A dehumidifier helps to remove excess moisture from the air in your home or business. It can help prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can ruin walls, carpeting, curtains, rugs and furniture. It can also prevent the deterioration of wood and plaster. It can reduce the amount of dust mites in the air, which can cause allergies and asthma. It can even help to discourage unwanted insects, like roaches and silverfish.
If you’re thinking about buying a dehumidifier, the first thing to consider is the size of the area that you want to dehumidify. Many models have a recommended room size, so you can find one that will work well for your space. You also need to decide how much you want to spend. A dehumidifier is a significant investment, so make sure you’re choosing one that will do the job right.
Many people use a dehumidifier in a basement or crawlspace. These spaces are often prone to water damage, which can be caused by groundwater or flooding in the event of a severe storm. Dehumidifiers can help keep these areas dry and protected, which may save you money in repairs and restoration costs in the long run.
A basement or crawlspace dehumidifier can be especially useful if you have a lot of items in the area that need to be kept dry, such as books, electronic devices and tools. Dehumidifiers are often designed to be easy to clean and maintain, with removable buckets or trays for collecting the collected water. Some of these dehumidifiers also feature a built-in pump that pumps the water into a sink or drain, which can be more convenient than emptying a tray every day.
You should also consider the amount of humidity you want to control. Most health experts recommend keeping indoor humidity levels below 60 percent, and a dehumidifier can help you achieve that goal.
Humidity is like a Goldilocks situation, with too little moisture causing dry skin and itchy eyes and with too much resulting in mold, flaking paint, musty odors and other unpleasant conditions. Dehumidifiers can help you get the balance right, making your home more comfortable and protecting your belongings.
Some people also use dehumidifiers to speed up the drying process of laundry when they don’t have access to a dryer or are living in an environment where the weather isn’t conducive to hanging clothes out on the line. Some models have a dedicated laundry drying function that can be particularly helpful in these situations.
If you’re considering buying a dehumidifier, you can find many options at your local hardware store or home improvement center. Large department stores and appliance retailers also often carry these appliances. They can range in price from $50 to $300 and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are portable and can be moved from room to room, while others are larger and may be permanently installed. If you’re buying a whole-home model, you should consider energy efficiency and running costs, as these can add up over time.